Early-Bird discount for Returning Players who pay full fees no longer applies from midnight tonight. All Returning Players who have paid their full fees (minus the Early-Bird discount) by midnight tonight go into a draw whereby 1 winner will have their fees refunded! NOTE: EXTENDED TO FEB 5TH DUE TO DIFFICULTIES WITH MY NETBALL
Potential New Players need to come to Matthews Netball Centre on Tuesday February 5th, anytime between 5:30pm and 7pm, to meet key Storm people, pay the $100 non-refundable* deposit and try on uniform for sizing requests. Returning Storm Players do not need to attend.
Due to some Members having difficulties with ‘My Netball’, the cut-off date for Returning Players to claim the Early-Bird discount has been extended to Feb 5th.
All Year 7/8 players to attend. First trial for potential new Players who have submitted Expressions of Interest and paid their $100 deposit. Grading for returning Players. All Players to arrive at 3:30pm to sign in at the desk (onto the Returning Players List or New Players List), write their number on their leg in […]
Trials and grading for all Year 9-12 potential new Players and returning Players, attend from 3:30pm to sign in, get leg numbers and warm up. Uniform desk will be open.
All year 9-12 potential new Players and returning Players to attend this second trial and grading session, arrive from 5:30pm to sign in, write leg number on and warm up. Uniform desk will be open.
The uniform desk will be open from 6pm tonight. This is your last chance to try on and order items that we can guarantee will arrive in time for when games begin.
All potential new Players and returning Players: Years 4, 5 and 6. Your Trial & Grading session is now 5pm-6pm (arrive 4:30pm). Years 7 and 8: We need you back again please to do another Grading session. 5pm – 7pm (please arrive 4:30pm). We want to make sure we give each and every one of […]
First training session: Yr 4. 4:30 – 5pm. Yr 5. 4:30 – 5:30pm. Yr 6. 5 – 6pm. Yr 7/8. 5 – 6:30pm. Yr 9-12. 6:30 – 8pm. Opens. 6:30 – 8pm. Round robin games will occur in Yr 7/8, 9-12 and Opens training to assist with finalising teams. The teams will be in […]
Today is your last chance to submit a request for secondhand uniform items to Tara Rond: fundraising@stormnetballclub.org We will try our best but stock is always very limited. If we don’t have what you need, you will be contacted and asked to purchase new items instead. Thanks for your understanding 🙂
Training. These times should remain for the rest of the season, but may alter slightly for individual teams based on Coach and court availability: Yr 4. 4:30 – 5:30pm (but may finish earlier) Yr 5/6. 4:30 – 5:30pm. Yr 7/8. 5 – 6:30pm. Yr 9-12. 6:30 – 8pm. Opens. 6:30 – 8pm (but may finish […]
NetballFit Pilates class begins at Horizon Physio, 3/11 Doric St Scarborough. 4 – 4:50pm. $25/class or save with a 10 pack, $225 ($22.50/class). NetballFit 2019
Welcome back!! Uniform pick up: The uniform desk will be set up in the same spot as where we had the sign in desks for trials/grading (in front of the cafe/match day office, Southern side of the PNA office building). All (paid for) uniform orders can be picked up tonight! Small amount of new and secondhand […]
Round 1 for teams in the Year 7/8, 9-12 and Open divisions. Good luck! Uniforms Coordinator Karen Appleby will try to get to the Storm cage a few times throughout the day to help sort out any last minute uniform issues, but please call Karen before popping in to ensure she is there: 0407377737
Training. Uniform desk open 5 – 8:15pm. HOODIE PICK UP!!!!! HOORAY!!! Hoodies will have arrived and can be picked up tonight (if paid already – or pay cash/bank tfr on the spot, $45). Awesome socks (ankle length or long length – $10) and scrunchies ($5) for sale too!! If we sell out of scrunchies or […]
Free pizza and a drink, plus a mini-quiz with prizes! Uniform items available for sale: hoodies $45, socks $10, scrunchies $5, jackets $120, secondhand tops and skirts $25 (cash or bank transfer on the spot).
Training. Sizzler will be back with your favourite snack, cheesy toast!!! It was such a success last time, Storm and Sizzler are doing it all over again! Gold coin donation for delicious cheesy toast. Same place as last time, just outside the North East entrance gate to Matthews Netball Centre, around 5pm – 8pm. YUM!! […]
Games all day Saturday. Today is the last game for our gorgeous Year 4’s! Well done girls, we hope you’ve enjoyed your first season with Storm and we hope you will come back!
All teams who are in semi-finals come to training tonight. If your team isn’t in a semi-final, it would be appreciated if you could please still come down to training to help play with and against the teams in training for finals. Thank you! Deanne Quartermaine will be running All-Comers skills training for those Yr […]
All teams who have made preliminary finals, plus all teams who have gone straight through to the Grand Final, need to train tonight. If your team isn’t in a preliminary final it would still be appreciated if you could come down and play with and against them. Thank you! Deanne Quartermaine will be running All-Comers […]
All Players, Coaches, Managers, Umpires, Committee Members and Life Members are invited to our end of season Wind Up! 9:30am – 2pm, Saturday September 15th. Event Cinemas, Whitfords Shopping Centre. $20/ticket, includes a movie (watching A Dog’s Purpose with the whole cinema to ourselves!!), slider burger, fries and a drink. Come along to celebrate a […]
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! HOW EXCITING!! It’s the last training session before the Grand Final. Enjoy this special time! If your team is not in a Grand Final it would be appreciated if you could please come down and help our Grand Finalists train. Thank you! Deanne Quartermaine will be running All-Comers skills training for those […]
Grading and Workshops: Yr 3/4, 5pm – 6pm Yr 5/6, 5 – 6:30pm Yr 9-12, 5pm – 7pm Opens, 7pm – 9pm Parents, Opens Players and all interested adults are invited to attend an injury prevention and management workshop, 5:15 – 6pm. Please email Kerry to register your attendance, president@stormnetballclub.org
CANCELLED If not picked up already, please come to the Uniform Desk (5pm – 7.30pm) to collect your order. Managers, please come to collect your game bag.
10am – 2pm 3/2 Scalby St, Scarborough Please come and collect your uniform order. Please note that orders will only be released if they have been paid for, the Player is registered in My Netball and registration fees have been fully paid (or a payment plan is in place). If you can’t make this session, […]
Modified training resumes at Matthews Netball Centre this evening, hooray!! Years 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 Players: 5-6pm Years 9-12 Players: 6:30-7:30pm Opens Players: 8pm-9pm Please bring a full water bottle as you won’t be able to refill at Mathews. No parents are allowed onsite, players must be dropped off and picked up at the gates. […]
Intra-club matches today: Year 7/8: 1pm – 2pm Year 9-12, Teams 5 – 10: 2pm – 3pm Years 9-12, Teams 1 – 4 and Opens: 3pm – 4pm All Umpires invited to attend all afternoon, 1pm – 4pm. All games at Matthews Netball Centre. Gates open 12:45pm and shut 4:15pm.