2018 AGM for Storm Netball Club inc.

PNA Hall
2018 Annual General Meeting.  All members invited to attend.  Nominations for Executive positions (President, Secretary, Treasurer) and general Committee members are to be sent to the Secretary by 5pm Monday Oct 15th.  Nomination forms available from secretary@stormnetballclub.org (all members have been emailed the agenda and forms).

Committee Meeting

First general meeting for the 2019 committee.  Meeting in the SNC foyer.

My Netball opens for Coaches

Coaches, please register via My Netball.  Thank you for coaching this year, we appreciate it!

New Players Enrolment Night

Potential New Players need to come to Matthews Netball Centre on Tuesday February 5th, anytime between 5:30pm and 7pm, to meet key Storm people, pay the $100 non-refundable* deposit and try on uniform for sizing requests.  Returning Storm Players do not need to attend.

Yr 7/8 Trials & Grading 4-6pm (arrive 3:30pm)

All Year 7/8 players to attend.  First trial for potential new Players who have submitted Expressions of Interest and paid their $100 deposit.  Grading for returning Players.  All Players to arrive at 3:30pm to sign in at the desk (onto the Returning Players List or New Players List), write their number on their leg in […]

Yr 9-12 Trials & Grading, 4-6pm (arrive 3:30pm)

Trials and grading for all Year 9-12 potential new Players and returning Players, attend from 3:30pm to sign in, get leg numbers and warm up.  Uniform desk will be open.

Yr 9-12 Trials & Grading 6-8pm (arrive from 5:30pm)

All year 9-12 potential new Players and returning Players to attend this second trial and grading session, arrive from 5:30pm to sign in, write leg number on and warm up.  Uniform desk will be open.