Yr 3-6’s, your pizzas will arrive at 6pm. Yr 7/8, 9-12 and Opens players, come just before your training sessions to have pizza. Deliveries happening up to 7.15pm. Players will collect pizza from the hall then head out to our training courts for a picnic. Managers, please bring some picnic rugs for your team. Only […]
Tuesday June 8th 6pm – 7.30pm PNA Hall Please bring in your dud Youth dress (with reversed print on the side panel) to swap for a remade good one.  Thanks for your patience! Bring in old playing uniform tops, skirts and dresses for collection for Associations in need. Anything else you need to order? Place orders […]
CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19 RESTRICTIONS AT PNA Pizza & Fun Night!! Come for your normal training times – but expect games on the courts and pizza picnic! Yes, this can still go ahead re COVID19 restrictions, as we have adjusted the format (no longer using the hall). Wear something warm!